Bee Analyzed
Pollen Analysis Services for Iowa Beekeepers
Bee Analyzed is a 504 Nonprofit Business of Iowa started by Amara Orth and Carol Fassbinder-Orth of Bountiful Blossoms Bee Company. Our goal is to to provide pollen analyses of honey samples for Iowa beekeepers so they can identify the source of their honey. This allows beekeepers to make more informed decisions for bee management, bee health, and honey marketing.
Pollen grains from a honey sample from southwest Iowa
Sample Submission Details:
WHAT WE NEED: 50-100 grams of honey (2 Tbs to 1/3 cup) is needed. Samples must be unfiltered. The fresher the better, and directly from the comb is the best. Avoid submitting samples with large chunks of wax.
Composition analysis of pollen grains analyzed in your sample. Approximately 150-200 grains will be analyzed
Estimated concentration of pollen per gram of honey
pH of the sample
Water content of the sample
Pictures of the most predominant pollen types found in your sample. Some rare types of pollen grain may not be able to be identified with our methods. We will note this in the report if it occurs.
COST: $50/sample. Make checks payable to: Bee Analyzed-Amara Orth
Sample Submission Details:
Samples can be mailed to:
Bee Analyzed
21341 Eastman Road
Glenwood, IA 51534
Allow approximately 2-4 weeks for your report. Please fill out THIS FORM and send with your samples. We will email you when we receive your samples and will provide you with an estimated turnaround time.
Questions? Send us an email HERE